Develop simple eating habits and prepare quick & easy meals to help you lose weight in a healthy and sustainable way while also boosting your energy. Avoid complicated, restrictive diets that could leave you feeling starved and filled with frustration and even more cravings.

Food is your body's basic building block, giving it the vital nutrition and energy it needs to function properly. It includes a wide range of elements that are essential to life support, such as proteins, lipids, carbs, vitamins, and minerals.
Your body performs at its best when your diet is well-balanced and supplies the essential nutrients in the right amounts. But an unbalanced or insufficient diet can cause deficits, exhaustion, and impaired immunity. The foundation of good health is a diet that is both nutritious and well-balanced. 
Our goal: Eat for Health
This is where our essential 5 comes in...




Our cooking philosophy: 

Simple, Fun, & fits into your busy schedule


Cooking shouldn't be complicated, and learning shouldn't be intimidating! That's why we've designed a simple solution to elevate your favorite meals into something everyone can enjoy!

Your Found 5 is key!
Steer clear of extreme diets that drastically cut calories. Crash diets and calorie deficit plans  can impair your metabolism, sometimes in ways that are permanent and can be dangerous. Most of the time they cause headaches, energy slumps, crazy sugar cravings, blood sugar dys-regulation, and they starve you. Who wants that? They also hinder your progress.
Let's speak honestly. Why waste your money on another bogus diet that claims to help you lose xx pounds of weight when all you do is lose 5 pounds and end up gaining more? And not to mention leaving you feeling frustrated and like a failure. You need a lifestyle strategy that helps you lose weight and keep it off for good in healthy and sustainable way. 
Avoid restrictive diets, like low-carb plans that tell say you can never eat bread, pasta, or even fruits without gaining weight. These diets may promise quick results short term, but they actually come with huge drawbacks. Cutting out entire food groups can lead to macro and micro nutrient deficiencies. You need a balanced eating plan that incorporates healthy foods you love in the right essential portions.


JO's Culinary Story

In a world that moves fast, I found solace in the kitchen, learning how to cook mindfully and intuitively. Cooking, for me, became a doorway to a life deeply rooted in Ayurveda and the profound belief that food is medicine. 
My culinary journey began in the captivating world of raw food, a realm that sparked my curiosity and ignited a deep passion within me. Exploring the art of living foods, I embarked on a transformational path that would forever change the way I perceived nourishment.
I honed my skills and knowledge at the Living Light Culinary Institute, delving deep into the intricacies of raw cuisine and the power of living foods. It was there that I first glimpsed the profound potential of food as a source of healing and vitality.
But my hunger for wisdom and culinary mastery didn't stop there. I sought guidance and mentorship from an Ayurvedic doctor who also happened to be my teacher, a journey that took me from the bustling streets of New York to the tranquil landscapes of Kerala. Ayurvedic cooking became my portal to understanding food as medicine, an ancient wisdom that spoke to the very core of my being.
Recognizing the need to expand my culinary skills and share this transformative knowledge with others, I took a significant step forward. I enrolled in a rigorous one-year chef training program at the Natural Gourmet Institute in the heart of New York City. This training equipped me with the professional skills and techniques necessary not only to prepare delectable meals but also to teach workshops, host wellness retreats, and, most importantly, guide my clients in preparing and eating food tailored to their unique Ayurvedic constitution and  their nutrition needs. I’m forever grateful for this training.
Today, my culinary journey is a harmonious blend of all these experiences, guided by a holistic and intuitive approach to cooking and wellness. I cherish the opportunity to combine my diverse learnings to inspire and empower those I serve, ensuring that every meal is a sacred and nourishing experience. Learning how to cook was a transformative experience, teaching me to savor each moment and prepare meals with intention. It's about infusing love into every dish, creating nourishment for the body, mind, and soul.